Culturally Responsive Teaching Practices (CRTP)
Adult educators need to be able to identify the key tenets that are required to ensure that effective teaching and learning takes place and to facilitate creating an inclusive learning environment (whether in-person or online).
In the field of adult education, culturally responsive teaching is relevant every day. It is the foundation of building inclusive learning programs and establishing welcoming environments for all learners, whether online or in-person. With the workplace becoming more diverse, instructional activities and content development must be different.
In this one-day session, participants will broaden their adult education knowledge in instructional culturally responsive teaching practice, using techniques and strategies that integrate new ways of teaching and learning. This session demonstrates the integration of CRTP within adult education best principals for teaching and learning.
By gaining this knowledge they will be able to:
• Develop a framework to apply key tenets to confirm CRTP is applied within the content and instruction of programs
• Apply various methods to demonstrate and embrace equity, diversity, inclusion, and decolonization
• Develop strategies, applications, and basic techniques for applying CRTP knowledge and skills
• Develop a critical theory lens to ensure exclusion does not take place
• Develop a keen eye into tactics and strategies instructors should and need to apply to ensure EDID is embedded within the work they design and deliver
• Analyze educational content to ensure that ideological forms of racism are not present with the material and instructional actions
CPD Pre-approved Program (CPHR CPD 7.0)